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Mediation Services – Longhorn Mediation Center, LLC

When you are facing a conflict or dispute, it can be crucial to have a third party present. We can act as in impartial third party to resolve your dispute without the stress and costs associated with going to court. Our goal is to facilitate understanding and promote conversation to reach a settlement that works for both parties. Unlike an attorney, mediators do not represent a single side and will never argue on behalf of either side.

Mediation Services Offered In English And Spanish

In addition to our extensive training and experience, we are equipped to help parties in both English and Spanish in order to provide legal help in the language they are most comfortable with. In fact, we want you to be comfortable and confident throughout the entire process, as this mindset will help you be more open to conversation, leading to better results for your civil, business, criminal, family or injury law case.

We can provide you with mediation services regarding:

Saving You Time, Money And Stress

The mediation process is confidential and won’t show up on public record like in litigation. Our team will serve as the neutral party and will open the conversation between you and the other individual or representative. This means you do not have to worry about the formalities and limitations of the judicial process, especially when the process is successful.

We are attorneys with years of experience. We understand cases from both angles and know how to prepare for mediation in a way that will give you an optimal chance at success. Whether you are settling a company dispute or negotiating a settlement after a personal injury, our team is here to help.

Reach out to us via online form or call 512-980-0885 today to learn more.