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Resolving Business And Corporate Disputes

Regardless of what type of company you own, it is almost inevitable that you will run into a dispute or conflict of some kind. Whether it is a vendor accusing you of underpaying, an employee who brings up a wage dispute or any other type of issue, it is crucial that you do not let the matter linger.

While they may be threatening you with a lawsuit, there is another option which you can explore. Consider working with our team of business mediators at The Díaz Firm, PLLC. With over 30 years of experience, we can provide you with an opportunity to negotiate a solution.

Our process covers a wide range of matters, including:

  • Business disputes
  • Organizational disagreements
  • Partnership agreements
  • Employment disputes
  • Real estate and property issues
  • Breach of contract conflicts
  • Merchant disagreements
  • Consumer and creditor disputes
  • Small claims

Use Mediation To Reach A Satisfactory Resolution

If you have run into any conflict or dispute in your business, litigation may seem like the only answer. Fortunately, mediation is an alternative form of dispute resolution which can keep your private matters out of court and offer a more cost-effective solution.

The mediation process typically takes far less time than litigation, which means you and the other party can resolve the issue in a timelier manner, allowing you to get back to running your company.

Professionally Trained And Experienced Bilingual Mediators

Our Austin business mediators are known for their compassion and knowledge of business and corporate law. We are not acting as either party’s representative during mediation, and we do not make any direct recommendations. Our priority is to negotiate a mutually workable agreement.

If you would like to find out more about our experience or our services, please contact our office now at 512-980-0885. You may also schedule an appointment through our simple online form.